Testimonials. Ellstudio film production

Irina Mitrofanova USAID (From the American People)

It is my honor to provide reference on the great job that Mrs. Elena did for my voting campaign to the professional union of the USAID. 

Despite a short notice, she accepted my order and I immediately got instructions and schedule on my what’s up. I was very much impressed with the quick turn around and her extensive explanation of the process. Mrs. Golubeva explained the importance of little details in the video, as well as importance of well-structured script which added even more clarity to the process. 

It was my first time filming my address to my colleagues and therefore I felt very nervous. Once we met the following date, I saw very well organized young woman covered with all sorts of audio and video equipment. It was a pleasant surprise to know that she would arrange all around me and I just needed to concentrate on my speech. She made several shots, identified the best position and shut the video. She also video recorded some details to make the video even more appealing. 

Later I received many compliments on the quality of the recording and exposition. It is my pleasure to recommend this top-noch young professional who is well set to reach the most ambitious goals in Personal and professional life.

Testimonials. Ellstudio film production

Dr. Nadezhda Mikhailova, Public PROGREDI communication of Geogs and a Dermatologist Qazaqstan


We express our sincere gratitude for the fruitful cooperation to Elena Golubeva, who made a great photo and video shoot as part of our project for the clinic “AESTHETICS”, doctors and clinic staff. 

During our joint work, Elena showed herself as a very responsible, creative, creative person, excellent Professional in his field, very friendly and sociable person.
